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Hello, I am Clygro, I am a fox thing that does stuff on the internet and mostly speaks on fedi.

The word of the unspecified amount of time is:


What I've done

I used to live stream games every day starting in November 2020 and ending in November 2021 after live streaming every day for 365 days. In 2023 I started to make daily videos available on my YouTube and PeerTube channels from January 2023 to February 2024, the themes of these videos has varied, for the first month the videos were about old iOS devices, after that I also started some other videos such as gaming videos with games such as Minecraft, GeoGuessr, Chronophoto and TimeGuessr which later moved to be on a separate channel, after that I did content about PowerPC macs, Linux phones and other technology.
I now maintain a work in progress Linux distro called Syhuu and Kitsune Web Browser.

Blog posts

RSS Feedhttps://clygro.cc/RSS.xml

The new website, the PeerTube problem, 4gro and the side project album

11th July 2024

Hello people, it has been a year since I introduced the blog, however I have not made any posts...

Introducing The Clygro Blog

9th July 2023

Hello people, I here to announce the actual Clygro blog. I have only decided to start this yesterday. Additionally I have also done some layout tweaks to my new website layout

Website & Clygro Update

23rd October 2022

Hello people, it has been a while since I have done a post here, quite a bit has happened since the last post, so I'll talk about it.

Website Update

1st January 2022

As you may have noticed, there have been changes to my website. I'll eventually be making a whole redesign of the website, including a mobile version of the website too.

It works

1st November 2021

I got this working first time somehow, yay!!!


1st November 2021

Here is some text containing an interesting description.

RSS Updates

1st November 2021

This is a test of RSS



You can add my 88x31 to your site by adding the following:
<a href="https://clygro.cc"><img src="https://clygro.cc/88x31/clygro8831.svg" alt="Clygro" width="88" height="31"></a>